Monday, May 18, 2009

Art Festival!

Vive les Vacances! (Long Live Holidays!)

Throughout JPS, from Year 1—Year 6, we have been learning about topics relating to holidays in our French lessons. Year 1 children have been learning about the vocabulary for les picnics whilst Year 2 learnt about holiday food and drew some lovely pictures of les glaces (ice cream). Mmm!

Bon Voyage! (Have a Good Trip!)

Year 3 learnt lots of vocabulary about clothes and what you would need to pack in ma valise (my suitcase) whilst Year 4 made their own passeports. Year 5 looked at les moyens de transport (modes of transport) and made some super models of aeroplanes, airports, boats, etc. Finally Year 6 made their own holiday brochures!

Bravo to all the children for their fantastic artwork!

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