Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Joyeux Anniversaire La Tour Eiffel!

(Happy Birthday Eiffel Tower!)

Did you know that on 15 May 2009 La Tour Eiffiel in Paris will be celebrating its 120th birthday? Wow, that’s amazing, don’t you think!

We have been learning all about La Tour Eiffel this week and some children have produced some lovely pictures of the tower. La Tour Eiffel was built for the Universal Exhibition in 1889 and was the highest building in the world until 1929. Did you also know that the tower is currently 324m high (including antennas) and cost 7,799,401.31 French gold francs of 1889 to build.

By Zachary 3B

Perhaps you would like to add a Comment to our Blog (Mums and Dads too) and tell us about your favourite memories of the Tower. Maybe you have visited it and have some photos that you could share with us. We would love to hear your stories.

Our Favourite Websites

Have a look at the new websites we have added to Our Favourite Websites section on the right hand side of the Blog. We have included a link to La Tour Eiffel's official website where you can find more information about the tower and also play some fun games! The earthcam.com website is an amazing site too as it has a live webcam where you can actually see La Tour Eiffel at this very moment!! Can you believe it! So you will even be able to see what the weather is currently like in Paris! Keep checking this website as maybe there will be some fireworks at the Tower on the 15th May!



(Parents, please note that through this website you are able to link to other websites which are not under the control of JPS. Whilst they are reputable sites, we have no control over the ever-changing content and links from these sites. We therefore highly recommend that you supervise your child at all times whilst using the Internet).

La Tour Eiffel

See if you can learn this little rhyme about the Tower ...

La Tour Eiffel a trois cents mètres
Du haut en bas on voit la Seine
Pour y monter il faut payer
Tous les millions qu’elle a coûté
1 sou, 2 sous, 3 sous, 4 sous, 5 sous
6 sous, 7 sous, 8 sous, 9 sous, 10 sous

Colouring by Ramithu 1C

Monday, May 18, 2009

Art Festival!

Vive les Vacances! (Long Live Holidays!)

Throughout JPS, from Year 1—Year 6, we have been learning about topics relating to holidays in our French lessons. Year 1 children have been learning about the vocabulary for les picnics whilst Year 2 learnt about holiday food and drew some lovely pictures of les glaces (ice cream). Mmm!

Bon Voyage! (Have a Good Trip!)

Year 3 learnt lots of vocabulary about clothes and what you would need to pack in ma valise (my suitcase) whilst Year 4 made their own passeports. Year 5 looked at les moyens de transport (modes of transport) and made some super models of aeroplanes, airports, boats, etc. Finally Year 6 made their own holiday brochures!

Bravo to all the children for their fantastic artwork!