Saturday, June 14, 2008


We have been meeting some of Annick's 'friends' in FS2. Here they are!

le chat

le lapin

le chien

Song - La tête, les épaules ...

FS2E have been doing a lot of singing. Their first song is the French version of "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" and the second is how to greet someone in French. Well done! Have a look!

la tête, les épaules, les genoux, les doigts de pied,
la tête, les épaules, les genoux, les doigts de pieds
les yeux, le nez, la bouche et les oreilles.
la tête, les épaules, les genoux, les doigts de pied!

Song - Bonjour! Bonjour!

Bonjour! Bonjour!
Comment ça va?

Ça va très bien, merci, et toi?


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

i am trying to teach my brother(Adam)the songs

FrenchatJPS said...

Well done Emily! That's fantastic! Let us know how you get on. Bonne chance!

Aleyha said...
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Anonymous said...

great so proud to see this

Anonymous said...

so proud of them and the french teacher

Anonymous said...

It's Great! well done FS2E kids and the french Teacher.

FrenchatJPS said...

Thank you! All the FS classes have been doing really well. Keep up the good work children.